How We’re Simplifying Networking with AI

← Back   July 19, 2024 | Categories: Networking   AI  

The struggles of starting out with building a professional network and learning the dos and don'ts behind career etiquette are a common experience shared by almost every college student or early professional you’ll meet. Networking is more important than ever. It's the key to unlocking career opportunities, building professional relationships, and advancing in your field. However, it’s also become increasingly difficult for the average adult.

The Networking Challenge

Most individuals today are forced to rely on a confusing disconnected network of individual platforms and software to meet their networking needs, whether that be to stay organized on a calendar, or to organize their contacts. Hopping between different apps and websites, it can become annoyingly difficult for people to keep track of all of their dates, connections, and meeting notes. 

We all know the frustration of losing track of or forgetting important connections because of all the different platforms used in networking.

With each new tool required by career professionals and students comes a new learning curve, a new UI to navigate, and new usage strategies to learn. As a student working towards a career in business, these are struggles that nearly all of my classmates and I face daily and an issue that our schools rarely are able to solve efficiently.

Chasqui’s Comprehensive Solution

What if you could have every tool and feature you could need with networking in one comprehensive intelligent platform? Almost like your own personal virtual assistant that will eventually do all the complex parts for you? Enter Chasqui, an AI-powered platform that will do just that and more. Chasqui combines traditional productivity software, such as calendars, to-do lists and contact lists, with AI tools that dramatically reduce the heavy lifting required when professionally networking. 

Why Choose Chasqui? 

Imagine having notes on every connection and your conversations with them so you don’t forget their importance to you or any of your conversations with them. Imagine being able to generate any message tailored to any platform or length, wholly customized based on the contact and your previous meetings with them. These are only a fraction of the features that Chasqui offers in order to remove all the hassle of networking.

As Chasqui continues to move through its pre-alpha and beta stages, new app integrations and features will ensure that soon, everything related to networking and meetings can be done within the platform. This ensures not only a seamless experience for students and professionals, but also a much more impactful one with much less essential connections being lost. 

Join the Networking Revolution Today 

We’ll constantly be releasing and highlighting new features and ways to use Chasqui on all of our social media, so be sure to stay connected to learn more about how you can use this platform for your needs. We’re currently in our pre-alpha phase, and our platform is free for everyone.

By Victor Chao

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